Sunday, November 18, 2012


Happy birthday to my beautiful, capable mom! I've always admired my mom and never could compete with her (not in an I-need-therapy way but in a she's-so-proficient way).  I favor my dad - in looks, in disposition, in skills...and I love and honor that. But to be more like mom - that would be a delight! I know I've picked up a few lessons from mom over the years, and I like to think I run my castle like she runs hers, but she is the queen.  This pretty woman bore seven children...she has more projects and energy than anyone I kmow.  My little mum - so very big to me! Happy birthday, mom! Love you!

Birthday lunch, 11.18.2012
Mom and Dad

 My brothers and me - not looking a bit like our pretty mom.

1 comment:

  1. Had a great time celebrating a wonderful woman with family.
