Friday, September 20, 2013

Birthday Buddies - part 2

Happy birthday to my dear dad. As is typical, the older I get, the more I appreciate him.  Not just what he did to provide for the nine of us, but the sacrifices that good parents make, like going to church when you'd rather roll over.  Camping in the rain and eating donuts for dinner.  Seeding my single-parent lawn dirt on Easter Sunday. 

Good parents are a pain in the neck and my dad did that for me when I needed it. 

Now what he does, what he continues to do, is to share a laugh, to pour me a drink when I visit, to talk about the easy stuff and sometimes the harder stuff, and always, always, asks about my world - he taught me that.  And in my world?  Well he has a priceless place. 

Yes, I resemble him, but you can't see all of it.  I like to think I have his quiet disposition, his quick wit, his tender take.  Happy birthday to the very best dad a girl could have.  I only hope I've made you half as proud as you've made me.

Knights of Columbus event

My parents, my friends

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post, nice tribute. You are a lucky person and smart of you to realize that.
