Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Surprising What You Learn

Well it only took fifteen years but last night we hosted a neighborhood holiday get-together.  It was an intentional effort to reach out - the people we invited we have known for years, and they've been to our home for all the milestone celebrations, but never just "because" and now, well, that's where we find ourselves - doing a lot of things just because we can.  For years, we've been dashing in and out and always in a hurry and rarely had the extra minute to extend more than a polite hello to our neighbors.  Not that too many have noticed - everyone seems to be just as busy.

And just when I thought I might not have too much in common with these people on the guest list, I realize - hey, we all chose this neighborhood to live our sacred lives - that's a fairly compelling commonality!

It's surprising what you learn when you have a chance to talk to your neighbors.  One neighbor is a pilot and has offered to take us on a joyride.  Another built a fence on the side of his house so he wouldn't have to look at his neighbor next door, someone else isn't talking to someone else, and mostly everyone is bothered by the parking habits of another.  And, while choosing similar spots on this quiet residential street, we are all over the map politically.  But the biggest takeaway, the most important discovery, is that we have way more in common than not.

Navigationally, we are united - this street is home.  It makes sense to invest in these relationships.  Oh - and I tried caviar for the first time ever and discovered something else - fish eggs are delish!

1 comment:

  1. Hosting with you was a lot of fun Jen. Thanks for making it happen!
