Rocked out to Lake Street Dive tonight at the sold out Englert show in Iowa City!
This Brooklyn-based quartet has been jamming for nearly ten years, meeting at the New England Conservatory in college, and are suddenly exploding. Stand-up bassist, Bridget Kearney, is a childhood friend of Kate.
Rolling Stone has proclaimed them as the Best New Band of the Year:
If you have a few minutes, treat yourself to this video:
This video went viral last summer (more than a million hits and counting) and contributed to their recent appearances on the Colbert Report, David Letterman, and the Ellen show.
Other LSD trivia: one of their songs was last week's Starbucks Pic of the Week! And lead singer Rachael Price is the vocalist singing The Star Spangled Banner at a baseball game in Episode 6 of the second season of House of Cards.
Wow, great to listen to while I'm workin', must have been a great show!