Monday, December 30, 2013

Hara Hachi Bu

So every year my resolutions revolve around a better me, which usually involves a better waistline.

In 2014, I may try, before every meal, to say "Hara Hachi Bu," which means, "I will stop eating when I am 80% full."  This Japanese phrase, when faithfully practiced, supposedly, helps you consciously limit the amount of food you consume, making overeating less likely.  It also slights those uninvited guests - high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  There are many things you can do to remind yourself to say this, maybe set up phone alerts or obtain a new year's tat on your forearm. 

Another healthy choice would just be to make eating a mindful choice.  Focus on the food when it's in front of you.  The word "savor" was invented for just this reason.

The genetics card is a minor player - our longevity is 75% dependent on our lifestyle.

Other positive habits, as you know, include regular church attendance, volunteer efforts, sleeping, meditating.  (Uncovering my purpose may have to wait until 2015.)


  1. where'd you get this: "longevity is 75% dependent on our lifestyle"? My gut tells me it's wrong. Go to the doc and 90% of the questions are about gene pool and 10% on lifestyle (and 0% on church attendance, volunteer efforts, sleeping, meditating).

  2. Anonymous - there is plenty of documentation that supports the notion that early death is often attributed to lifestyle choices of smoking, drinking, overeating, inactivity, etc. And also many experts who agree that gentle practices like mindfulness, active friendships and getting a good night's sleep are practices that positively relate to better living. But you know this and I see your point about the word "longevity". I'm just not a fan of giving in to the "genetics card". HNY!

  3. I do NOT question that lifestyle impacts longevity, I question that "longevity is 75% dependent on our lifestyle". It's the 75% I'm doubting. So i was simply wondering where you got that number 'cause it doesn't seem right.
