I know I've suffered situational depression from time to time - most of us have, too. Stressful events such as experiencing a death or divorce, a job loss, other kinds of failure or isolation, can cause even the strongest among us to pull the covers over our head. (I have, by the way, found this method very effective.) Other methods include:
- Controlling negative thinking every day
- Engaging in healthy, pleasant activities like phoning a friend
- Breathing exercises or buying cute yoga pants
- Exercising for 30 minutes or even dreaming you will soon
The Wellness group at work really encourages facing it head on and slapping it down.
And then there was the question for the modern worker, prodding about impediments to doing your best, because of things such as personal problems, financial concerns, anxiety...or TECHNOLOGY ISSUES. You're welcome to anyone I have ever helped with a computer question!
I also learned that I'm suppose to avoid alcohol and exercise within 4 hours of bedtime, and also get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Really? Is that even possible? Negative thoughts are seeping back in now. How is that going to work? Well, I guess I actually don't fall asleep until 3 am so maybe I will be okay. I wonder if I can start my work day at 11.
The cheery part of the assessment was my final score...I'm doing moderately okay. It didn't hurt that I got extra points for never using clove cigarettes or smokeless tobacco - YAY for me!
A BIG thank you from your hubby on the smokeless tobacco thing................