Even the Roto Rooter guy has come and gone (damn potato peels anyway).
My sugar high is completely worn off and my crash was hard. I'm guessing the next time we will be all home together will be in October, in advance of Matt's wedding. That's our lives now and a quick reminder that the alternative is for them to be watching TV in the basement is all I need to slap me back to our wonderful reality.
There are still things to celebrate - they want to visit and say as much. They refer to our home as "home" and describe it not unlike a destination retreat. That makes this mama smile.
It's time to for me to get a move on - I don't wear pathetic well - what's next up?
Well, Kwanzaa started today and while I have zero ties to an African heritage and I'm not a big fan of week-long celebrations (three days of eating too much while sleeping and exercising too little has contributed a bit to my situational mood today), I do find the seven principles interesting:
Now that I'm thinking about it, these same principles are ones that I've encouraged in our home, over the years, in an unwritten way. And maybe that's why it is so much fun when we are together, and why it's so bittersweet when it's time to say goodbye.
We could all do better if we worked on these principles in our lives.