Wednesday, October 3, 2012

At the top of the back of the boot!

Venezia! It's fabulous! SJ and I are doing some needed chillin' and soaking up this car-free town! We've been walking by the Adriatic Sea, enjoyed a gondola ride, and drank wine at a sweet spot on Piazza de San Marco. And we've gotten lost more than a couple of times, what with the narrow sidewalks and abundant canals! This town is ADA-compliant - NOT! One fun discovery is that you can buy wine by the liters - on tap - and stroll the shops while enjoying it! Now that's a great idea! And now the sun is down...Shawn negotiated a very good rate for a short gondola ride because we wouldn't have it any other way. We went to the top of the Camponile and got a 360 * view of Venice!  We stopped into the grocery store where we made friends last night with the main daughter (age 29) and her little brother (26) and we shared pics of Kate and Matt. We love the Italians! It seems like a generalization but time and again we have noticed cheerful Italians: brothers look after sisters, fathers look after daughters, mothers look after their children, and the family is the sacred core. We shared stories and made friends with newlyweds Brad and Amanda from Wash DC, who followed our lead in getting cheap and good vino from a tap! We love you Venezia! Tomorrow we travel to Nice - viva la France!


  1. This is my favorite post yet! I LOVE that picture of Dad w/ the gondola driver - the facial expressions are PRICELESS. And the Hotel Rialto in the background of the picture on the Rialto bridge? That couldn't have been a coincidence! :) Love you both and can't wait to talk to you soon! xoxo

  2. Looks like you guys are having so much fun, Cheers!
